Friday, September 14, 2012

Photo Friday - Endless

This is almost too embarrassing to reveal.  Please don't think less of me.  Try not to judge.  But, yes, that is our sink in it's current state, and be thankful this isn't a panoramic shot.  It's awful.  I know.  This is an attempt to be honest and show that I clearly do not have it all together.  There is no good excuse for this disgusting pile, although I do have plenty of bad excuses: 
  • no dishwasher
  • it's Jason's job because we divided the painful chores - he does dishes, I do laundry (but don't ask about the laundry baskets)
  • not enough time
  • I'd rather blog; actually, I'd rather do anything!
  • they're "soaking"
  • the big pans at the bottom take up the whole sink, so it really isn't that bad
  • maybe when Mom comes over she'll do some... Thanks, Mom!
  • it's just a sign that I'm cooking more and we're eating out less, i.e. it's a good thing
Okay, maybe I'd better stop making the situation, and your opinion of me, worse, and get my elbows deep into some sudsy water.  It will be better tomorrow.  I promise.

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