Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Quiet Moment

Is this actually a quiet moment to myself?  It's Saturday.  I'm not on call.  No one is in labor.  Jason and Owen are at basketball practice, and Griffin is taking a nap.  I'm showered.  I did my Bible study.  Laundry is started.  The house is picked up, not clean, but not so embarrassing if someone pops by.  It feels like there hasn't been a moment like this is weeks, maybe months.  Ahhh...
I really do love my life.  Just about every part of it.  But it can be exhausting.  Just looking back on the past few weeks there has reason for exhaustion (and excitement, too)...
... with my family:  Griffin now eats with a fork and drinks out of regular cups, he also has added new words to his vocabulary including "book" and "bath" which sound almost identical.  Owen went a whole day without diapers.  Jason is really enjoying coaching basketball - even though they did only score one point in their first game.  And my growing belly is unmistakably pregnant now.  I rapid cycle between excitement and panic at the thought of soon having three boys.
... with my job:  I've seen a lot of great cases lately!  (Great in the sense that I'm learning, not great in the sense that these are real people living through it.)  First, I started out the month with a lady who came to the ER for a pulled back muscle and in a matter of hours was sent to Omaha for concern of acute leukemia.  Then on my call night, I admitted an infant with what turned out to be a stroke.  That same night (at 3AM) I almost sent her peer down the hall to Children's in Omaha because her blood work looked so bad.  Whatever we did, worked, and by morning she was better.  Medicine is amazing.  Additionally, this past week I helped take care of lady who had a perforated gastric ulcer (i.e. a hole through her stomach), and yes, that is a bad thing to have.  Just yesterday she got out of the ICU.  I also saw a young lady whose own body was destroying her red blood cells to the point she had less than half the blood cells should have.  And, lastly a frustrating case of a patient refusing to be induced into labor despite the fact that the fluid around her baby is dangerously low.  Did I say that medicine is amazing?
... with my church:  Jason and I have been a small part on a team of people working to reinvent our Welcome Team at church.  We just had a big recruitment push the past two weeks, and had a great response.  Also, my Monday night women's Bible study is back at it after a break for the holidays.  It's great to share good food and time in the book of Ruth.  Lastly, we also recently started a couple's small group in our house.  It's been a little bit of a struggle getting going with the craziness of December, but we really enjoying getting to know some new families.
In my opinion, that's a lot for the 19 days of January so far, and it makes me really appreciate the rare quiet moments like this.  Unfortunately, it's over.  I hear Griffin jabbering away in his crib.

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