Sunday, July 15, 2012

Drug Abusers

My shock and awe for drug abusers is long gone.  I used to think that it was just a big city or trailer park thing, something only on t.v. or under bridges, and definitely not something I'd see nearly every day.  Well, my naivety with the prevalence of this unfortunate part of our culture is fading into a jaded acceptance of the reality.

If I pooled all of my admissions to the hospital in the last few months into just 5 "standard" patients the demographics would be something like this: 1 meth abuser, 1 alcoholic, 1 prescription drug addict, 1 who lies about using, and 1 "Average Joe."

It's sad.  It's sad to think about the newborns who've tested positive for their mama's drugs.  It's sad when toddlers overdose on grandma's prescriptions.  It's sad to admit someone to the hospital and then no one comes to visit because they've alienated everyone who cared about them.  It's sad.

Now, doctors have been to blame for enabling some and for keeping a steady supply on the streets.  We have HHS and the DEA watching our every move.  Tall men in dark suits waiting in the shadows to pounce on an unsuspecting doc with one too many scheduled prescriptions.  But, come on, where is personal responsibility?

Suck it up, you addicts!  Own it.  Get help.  You deserve it.

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