Friday, July 20, 2012

Photo Friday - Movie Night

I'm getting the idea that "exhausted" may become my middle name for the next few years - maybe forever?  Last night it all caught up to me, and I slept for 9 hours!  I'm not talking about nice, light, quiet rest.  I was out cold, possibly even to the point of unconsciousness.  For you medical people: GCS <8, consider intubation.

You see, Jason is away at CIY with the church youth group this week.  I'm so proud of him for going, but it has been difficult.  There have been times in the past when I thought I could do it all on my own.  Independent.  But this week has gone to prove that I absolutely cannot do it on my own.  I definitely did not make it this week on my own; I couldn't even make it a day.  Mom has come to my rescue every single day!  She babysat so I could still go to Bible Study (and she answered my pager when it went off while I was gone).  She took a day off work to stay home with a sick Griffin.  She took the boys to daycare when I got called to an emergency C-section at 4:30AM.  She fed us.  She did my dishes and laundry.  She saved me.

Thankfully, Jason comes home tomorrow.  Mom may be looking forward to it the most.

As crazy as it has been, I've been trying to find fun things for the boys to look forward to every night to keep us from just counting down the nights until Daddy gets home.  One night was movie night - popcorn and all.  Hence the inspiration for the photo Friday.  (And for the record, I shouldn't endorse feeding popcorn to a 1 year old, but it got to be old trying to pull the soft part off of the hard kernel part while trying to keep his hands out of the rest of the bowl.  And I do know CPR.)

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