Sunday, October 14, 2012

Support Group

Saturday was a great day.  At least it was after 8AM and my pager, for the most part, stopped going off.
I'd been looking forward to this afternoon's event for months now.  Seriously, it's been almost a year since I met Michelle at Starbucks, and she said she had been thinking about getting a group of female family practice docs from central Nebraska together.  What a wonderful idea!  You see, I realized quickly how isolating it is to be a rare female primary care physician in a "small" town.  No one else really understands what you really do.
How is it different in patient exam rooms when you are genetically wired to be a relationship builder?  What is it like to come home thinking about what's for dinner, is the outfit you want to wear tomorrow clean, is the infant you sent home with a low grade fever actually septic, how is that 15 year old going to tell her step dad she is pregnant, AND what are you taking the party this weekend?  Is it normal to wonder if my male partners respect me and if my "regular" mom friends like me?
Needless to say, spending 3 hours with 7 women asking similar questions and wise answers was so therapeutic.
We met at a PraireCreek winery just north of Central City.  It was a beautiful spot on a beautiful day with beautiful women.  We ate fancy appetizers, drank yummy drinks (i.e. Diet Coke... wink-wink), and talked, reminisced, listened, encouraged.
I only knew two of the women and not very well at that, but unlike so many other female circles, I felt welcomed and like I belonged in this group.  The entire 35 minute drive home I smiled.  I was energized and empowered.
Thanks, Michelle for getting us together.  It was great to catch up, Meg, and see your handsome little man.  Ladies, I'm looking forward to our next get together at the Chocolate Bar, or Max Creek, or CoCo Key, or just passing you on the interstate.
(P.S.  Jess and Lindsey, if you're reading this, I think you'd love it, too.)

1 comment:

  1. Susan, this sounds great! I'm glad you had such a good experience. It is rare for us physician-moms to get such a chance to relate to other women that way!
