Thursday, April 4, 2013

Catch Up

So I went an entire month without writing.  Big deal.  I guess I've been busy... or lazy.  And with as much "stuff" coming up in the next several weeks, I can't promise it is going to get any better.
In one month-ish we are going to have another baby.  It's a shock to me, too.  Even though we've had 8 months to prepare, we are definitely NOT prepared.  No name.  No bed.  No nursery.  No carseat.  Clothes are still in boxes downstairs.  At least we did buy diapers on our once-a-month April shopping trip in case he comes before May.  The Type A planner in me is kind of freaking out.
Then again, this is our third boy.  What could we possibly "need" that we don't already have.  The budget-conscious-scraping-to-get-out-of-debt person in me is at war with the planner-perfectionist in me.  For example, do I buy a brand new breast pump because I can, or do I find a gently used one on CraigsList because I should, or do I go uber-frugal and try to salvage the one I have (which I bought on CraigsList 4 years ago, by the way)?
While baby shopping sounds like fun, even taking 10 minutes to browse Amazon makes me feel guilty.  You see, I should be studying for another little test coming up.  My family practice board exam is NEXT WEEK.  Yeah, like 7 (wow, actually 6) days away.  It's only a test to say that I'm qualified to practice family medicine; no big deal.  After taking: MCAT, Step 1, Step 2 CK, Step 2 CS, and Step 3 to become an "M.D." you would think one more test to become "Board Certified" wouldn't be necessary.  Haha.  How embarrassing would it be to get this far, just months away from being "done," and then fail?!  I should probably study, huh.
If that wasn't enough, I have a senior research project and presentation due 3 days after my board exam.  It's the thing I'm the least worried about, and that usually means it's the thing that is going to go the worst.
Oh, yeah.  And... I, Jason, and Owen have all been sick this past week.  Why not pile on vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, sinus pressure, and sore throat when I already don't sleep and ache all over?  Needless to say, it has been, and is going to be, a long few weeks.  I can't wait for maternity "vacation."

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