Sunday, April 21, 2013

Seasonal Affective Disorder

This spring has been depressing to say the least.  I am lucky to not be one who struggles with true major depression, but the unending days of cold have been wearing on me.  As I scraped the ice off my car last week I really felt it.  It was frustrating that the flowers that had started to bloom were now drooping and brown.  I felt bad for the two ducks in our front yard that were taking cover against the house during the ice storm.  It has been aggravating to not be able to take the boys for a walk to the park in mid-April or be able to get ice-cream on our trip to the zoo.  And I'm tired of wearing a winter coat and putting hats and gloves on the boys in the morning.

Am I the only one?

Today, our small group Bible study decided we didn't care.  We (and our kids) needed to get out for an afternoon at the park.  The forcast high for our day was in the 60's, but when it was still 47 degrees and windy at 10:45 this morning I feared this Spring's curse wasn't going to be lifted.  As I was preparing my complaints to God about how much I hated the weather the sun began to shine.

And we had a great afternoon (minus Griffin falling off of the play ground)!  My melancholy mood melted in the sun, and the smell of rain, grilling burgers, and freshly mowed grass made it even better.  Ahh.  Finally.

I really needed this day.

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