Friday, August 31, 2012

Photo Friday: 1 - 2 - 3

My indecisive, scatter-brained self couldn't pick just one image for this photo Friday, so you're going to get three.  Actually, my intention was to have some cute picture of us with giant corndogs and fried girl scout cookies, but another round of viruses kept us home both nights we had hoped to go to the State Fair.  Maybe we'll make it there this weekend.  Besides, I don't think you'll be disappointed with what I came up with instead.


"Don't compare one child to the next, they are all different."  Blah, blah, blah.  Owen was walking at 10 months, so, yes, I was disappointed when Griffin still had calloused knees on his first birthday.  Don't be silly, I know he is totally AWESOME, but I'm still a mom who doesn't what my baby to be the "well-some-babies-just-don't ...." baby.  I want him to be the "wow!-that's-exceptional" baby.  The one who checks all the boxes and more on the developmental milestone chart at his well baby checks.  You know, the one who graduates college at age 12, and is president by 18.  That one.  Still no amount of maternal desire could get his little legs to walk.  Well, finally, those two short, pudgy, little things figured out how to balance his big round tummy, and decided it isn't so bad after all.  While he still prefers to crawl or use his push toy, he can definitely walk now.  Yipee.  With gross motor skills improving, next we're working on language.


I've never been more glad to give my baseball-loving, all-boy, first-born son a girly pink sucker.  For whatever reason, he decided long ago (like 3 weeks ago) that a pink sucker was exactly what he wanted when he went potty in the potty.  Not just any sucker would do.  It had to be a p-i-n-k one.  Who knows?  He would ask repeatedly for one as we sat and waited, and he would cry devastated when he got up from what felt like hours pant-less on the potty without results. Well... that is him holding the reward for his big achievement yesterday!


For those of you who've listened to me waiver and debate, or those of you who've read between the lines of my many self-doubts, today's the day for which you've been waiting.  It's official.  I signed.  It's done.  We're staying.  I'm content.  I even think I'm actually excited.


  1. YEAH!!! We are so happy!!!!
    God bless and guide! great to have the decision made!!!

    love ya, the Jones

  2. Guess I knew this was coming, slightly dissapointed that we still couldn't coax you out west. Still, I'm happy for you! It's nice to know what's waiting for you when we finally finish residency!
