Saturday, August 4, 2012


According to the textbooks, summer is supposed to have a low rate of infectious disease.  Our house has bucked that tradition.  Since mid-July it has been one mattered eye after another.

We've had fevers, pink eye, vomiting, coughs, sinus infection, rashes, and diarrhea.  The boys have been home sick from daycare more days than they've actually been there.  Good for our budget.  Bad for our sanity.

It's kind of funny being a doctor and being sick or having sick kids.  People (i.e. Jason) seem to think that I can wave my magic wand and make it all better.  Surely there is a pill to take.  Believe it or not, I treat my kids the same way I would treat yours if they came in, and I even take my own advice once in a while.  We've been pushing fluids and Pedialyte, taking Tylenol for fevers, and none of us have been on antibiotics because it's all viral.  The prescription is for time, and unfortunately, it's taken a lot of it.

Thankfully, I was smart enough to marry a teacher, because he's spent much of his summer break on nursing duty.  Unfortunately, now it's August, and he went back to work this week.  Hopefully the collective Newman immune system has toughened up, and we can start feeling well again.  Even though Owen's eye was mattered again this morning, I'm still hopeful.


  1. Prayers for only good health for all of you!!!!

  2. Cheers for holding strong with no antibiotics! It's amazing how much pink eye I have also cured with nothing but saline drops!
