Sunday, July 14, 2013


Jordy is here now.  The older boys are "sharing" a room now.  Griffin is two now.  The sun never goes down now.  Jason is home all day now.  One of those must be the reason why we battle bedtime at the Newman house now.

And bedtime has been bad.  B-A-D.  The other night I actually wished for my pager to go off so I could be called in to help with a C-section.  It didn't.  Instead, I chased two little boys back and forth to their room for over an hour.  

Griffin silently slides out of his bed still holding his blanky and sucking his thumb.  Then he just stands there staring at you.

Jordy is a good sleeper, that is, when he finally gives up and goes to sleep.  However, before his eyes finally close he squirms, fusses, and screams.  Every arm, leg, finger, and toe is moving.  The pacifier stays in for about 10 seconds.  Of course, when I go back in to calm him, frustrated by his stubbornness, he just flashes me that big dimpled smile.

Now, Owen has been the bear.  He's usually the instigator - the rate limiting step - the linch pin.  He talks, laughs, cries, kicks, and runs.  It is like he has become possessed with a bedtime demon, and I'm not exaggerating.  There is no way that any other boy can fall asleep with that going on.

After trying a wide variety of sleeping arrangements, punishments, and reward systems; we're currently trying the ol' bedtime routine trick.  Bath.  Book.  Bed.  Owen in his bed.  Griffin in his bed.  Jordy in his, too.  We are about a week into it, and, honestly, it hasn't been going well.  Owen's rebellion has escalated to 3-year old cussing rants.  "Shut up, naughty, poopy!"  And while Owen is being escorted back to his room with threats of calling the police and Jordy's paci is getting replaced or his arms rewrapped, silent G slips out.  Blanket in tow.  Then we start it all again.  This can take hours.

And to make it worse, they are usually all up around 6AM.

I will say that last night was better because Owen actually stayed in his room all night (with Jason's help, of course).  I think we'll stick with the plan.  Only time will tell if we've found the right medicine to cure this terrible disease.  I'm hopeful.

At least they're cute when they're asleep...

(And, no, we don't have triplets, and those aren't all pictures of Jordy.  The top is Griffin, the middle is Jordy, and the bottom is Owen all at about 2 months old.)


  1. Several friends swear by the childrens book "The sleep fairy". Might be worth trying to add to your routine??? Nighttime is hard enough with a baby. I am so sorry and I hope you are all feeling rested soon!

    1. I really will look into that book. Thanks for the suggestion! Hope the Rowes are doing well. :)

  2. We are struggling with bedtime too! Being so light outside at night isn't helping either. Our newborn is sleeping better than Allison at 2.5 years old. If you figure out any tricks be sure to pass them on to us! -Beth Deida
