Monday, May 27, 2013

What a Trip

We are not the family that likes to sit around.  If we have an entire weekend with nothing planned we will probably go ahead and plan something.  With Jordan just 2 weeks old and Jason just a few hours into his summer break we decided it would be "fun" to go on a little weekend trip to Omaha.
Owen, Griffin, & Jordan in the hotel
The beginning of the trip actually went smoother than expected.  Jordan (and the other four of us) made it almost all the way from Grand Island to Omaha without stopping.  After a quick potty break in Papillion we headed for our first destination - the train park.  It was a success.
visiting Uncle Loyd

Next, considering this is Memorial Day weekend, we went to see a few graves.  All three boys were asleep in the car at one point as we drove around Omaha.  This trip was looking good!

After checking in at the hotel everyone was hungry.  With Jason on the trip you can guess that we headed straight for Chick-fil-A.  This is where our luck started to run out.

Surprisingly, Griffin was the last one with food in front of him as we all gobbled down our chicken sandwiches and waffle fries.  We pulled him out of the highchair, but he decided he wasn't ready to leave.  He shoved one last chicken nugget into his mouth as he screamed and coughed at the same time.  That is not a good combination.  "Susan, he's choking!" Jason said as I strapped Jordy back into his car seat.  Despite recommendations to not put your fingers in someone's mouth while they are choking, I did.  Out came the mashed, saliva covered chicken nugget and splattered onto the table.  Yum!  There are probably a few Chick-fil-A customers who now have a food aversion to chicken nuggets after seeing that.  Still, G was okay - throwing an all-out-fit now, but okay.

Jordy ready for the pool, too!
Unfazed, Owen had been looking forward to swimming in Omaha for days, so we weren't going to get out of it.  This was also going to be our first real test as the parents of three.  How would we keep three boys who can't swim alive in a pool deeper than them?  Thankfully, Griffin just sat on the step clinging for his life to the rail while Jason and Owen played away.  

Trying to sleep in a one room hotel "suite" with three little boys is as difficult as it sounds.  Yes, Griffin slept in the closet, but we did at least leave the door open.

In the morning as we filled up on the hotel's continental breakfast, the real fun began.  Just when we finished up our waffles and yogurt Jason got "the look" on his face as Griffin squirmed around in his chair.  Pea soup was pouring out of the backside of G's diaper onto the chair - as if the choking episode the day before wasn't enough.  With the help of the cleaning lady and Jordan's blanket, we rushed out and up to the bathtub.  I apologize to the couple who took our table after us.  I really hope the cleaning lady sprayed that chair well.

Undeterred by a little diarrhea, we were still determined to get to the zoo.

However, as we pulled into the Henry Doorly Zoo parking lot and the security guard shooed us away from the already full lot, I reminded Jason that a year before we had promised to never go to the zoo on Memorial Day weekend again.  Whoops.
Thankfully, this year we had a plan.  We didn't feel the need to see everything, so instead we just decided to go to the things the boys wanted to see - crocodiles, lions, tigers, and turtles of all things, and then avoid anything inside where the crowds would be sure to be backed up.  Imagining walking through a packed, narrow aquarium with three boys that could blow (literally and figuratively) at any moment was enough to make my skin crawl.  Our plan worked perfectly!  I even found a secluded spot by the giraffes to feed Jordan that unfortunately became a whole lot less secluded when all three giraffes came up to the fence five feet in front of me and became the perfect photo op for dozens of families.  Awkward.  

Three hours later we had our fill of the zoo, and Griffin had clearly filled his diaper again, too.  Not to mention, we were all exhausted.

The last stop before we hit the road was for some food.  I wasn't feeling so great but thought maybe it was just hunger pains.  After a few bites of Boston Market, I realized it definitely wasn't hunger pains.

Just before the Greenwood exit I lost it.  I lost it into the paper sack holding Jason's extra Boston Market cornbreads.  Jason sweetly rubbed my back (after cracking the window, of course) and reassured me that the exit was just two minutes away.  Unfortunately, the paper bag didn't have two minutes, and I was soon sitting in a pool of my own.  We pulled off and quickly exhausted all the wet wipes and gas station papertowels in the cleanup efforts.  I changed clothes, including shoes and undergarments, with the interstate traffic 20 yards away.  It. Was. Awful!  (But, thankfully, I did feel a lot better.)  

Eventually, we were back on the road and more anxious than ever to get home.  Our adventure wasn't quite over yet, however.  As we drove through Lincoln, Griffin decided to take off his shoes.  I have never smelled more stinky feet even from a grown man.  The smell of his feet was almost worse than vomit, and the combination of the two was unexplainable.  My innovative husband had Orange Ginger lotion in his bag, so we coated G's feet with it.  Imagine the smell in the car now!

A few moments later I looked back at the boys, and Owen had his hands over his mouth and a panicked look in his eyes.  Oh no!  I tossed back the cup that I was saving for myself, and he held it expectantly up to his mouth.  Nothing came.  Whew.  Two minutes later, we weren't so lucky.  "I need the throw up bucket!"  And this time he filled it.

We pulled off for the second time laughing uncontrollably because you just can't make this stuff up.  To top it all off, an unknown 60-something year old woman in a white tube top and too-short shorts bought Owen an octopus toy from the gas station.  Creepy but thoughtful.

We did eventually make it back home, and Jason spent a good hour at the car wash.

That was it.  Our first family vacation.  No, I didn't exaggerate anything.  That is just how things go when you're a Newman.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Photo Friday - Sardines

It would be a lie if I said that I wasn't nervous the week before Jordan was born as I rearranged the car seats in the back of our Buick Rendezvous.  I had assumed that all three seats would fit, but I hadn't actually tested out the theory.  As I began to squeeze them in, I started to have my doubts.  We had no plan B.  Thankfully, plan A worked.  And trust me, those seats aren't going anywhere.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Maternity Goals

With a third of my maternity leave already in the books, I'm looking forward to making the most of the rest.  Especially considering I'm finally starting to feel like I can enjoy it.  No more uncomfortable pregnant belly.  No longer feeling like I will go into labor at any moment.  And although not 100%, I'm feeling good enough to be up and about after the C-section.  I am even almost off all the pain meds except for the several hours yesterday after a cuddly 3 year old accidentally kicked me right in the incision as we snuggled with Baby Jordan.  Ouch!

Therefore, in order to not let these beautiful days slip away and then wonder where they went, I decided to set a few not-so-lofty goals.

Be Mom.  Obviously, the first, and most important goal, is to spend time as a mom loving on, enjoying, and bonding with my boys - all three of them.  Yes, Jordan will need the most attention and time, but I've realized how big and how precious Owen and Griffin are becoming.  Owen gets smarter every day, and Griffin's fun-loving personality makes me laugh every day.  Oh, how I love them all!!

Shower every day.  This may sound trivial, but I think it is the one that I'm actually going to have to make myself do at the end of the day.  When the day is spent in a T-shirt and basketball shorts (because that is all that fits on this awkward post-partum body) and I have a little reason to not leave the house very often, showering is not as essential as it once was.  Still a shower makes me feel more human and can be as refreshing as a good nap.  It also means that I will brush my teeth, put on deodorant, and wear clean clothes every day, too.

Get out of the house every day.  As my small group knows, I'm an introvert.  (Shout out to all the other introverts in my group!)  I could easily stay busy at home for the entire 6 weeks.  The house would be spotless, clutter would be gone or organized, you'd be tired of reading all of my blogs, and I'd be able to quote every episode of House Hunters.  However, I'd also be slightly crazy.  Although, I prefer to be a home body, I also need to get out, too.  Even just out for a long walk can make my day feel productive.  So, whether it is a walk down the block, or out for a doctor's appointment I need to let the sun see my pale skin once in a while.

Devo every day.  I think this is the last of the "every day" goals.  It's ironic that I'm the best disciplined at my devotional time when my schedule is the most full.  I get up early before the day gets going and before the boys can bother me, and we have some good quality time.  But, when I have little planned, I tend to push that time off until "later" meaning "whoops, I forgot" as I watch t.v. on the couch and fall asleep at midnight.

Sort and organize the boys' clothes.  Here's the practical, task-oriented part of my personality coming out.  There are totes and bags and boxes of boys' clothes in my basement that are semi-organized.  I haven't broken down and bought Griffin new shorts for the summer yet because I'm sure there are some hand-me-downs somewhere that I just haven't found yet.  For now the poor guy is running around in tight little shorts that, although are adorable, I'm sure are a little restricting.

Apply for my Nebraska medical license.  Check.  This was going to be a goal, but I got the application done, requested all my transcripts, and was fingerprinted at the state patrol the first week in May as I waited for Jordan to come.  After $403, I got the official license in the mail yesterday.  I'm now officially licensed to practice medicine in the state of Nebraska!  (To be clear, but probably just more confusing, it isn't that I've been practicing without a license until now, my previous license was just a temporary educational permit for residency.)

Watch an entire season of Storm Chasers in one day.  Okay, so I've already met this goal, too.  Who can blame me?  It's addicting.

That should do it.  I don't want to get too ambitious.  After all, I do have a super-cute newborn to stare at - I mean take care of.  I'll let you know how I do before I go back to work on June 17th.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Newman Expansion

Becoming "The Newmans"
- 7/31/04
Owen's Birthday - 12/13/09
Griffin's Birthday - 7/5/11
Jordan's Birthday - 5/10/13

After having two exciting, dramatic deliveries Jordan's was uneventful.  That is if you consider it uneventful to be awake and numb for the 20 minutes it takes to have a perfectly formed human cut out of your body, be put back together, and then go home two days later.

In the weeks prior, my heart had been set on going into labor on my own and then having a "natural" delivery.  I thought the chance was slim to none of making it to my scheduled C-section day just 3 days from my due date.  Even on the morning of my scheduled day, just hours before going to the hospital, I thought there was still a chance my water would break.  Obviously, it didn't.

They took me back to the operating room shortly after 8:00 and Jordan was born at 8:49.  Jason was at my side taking pictures in his scrubs and surgical mask.  Behind the drape I chatted with Dr. Johnson and Dr. Haake about daycare as the sewed me back together.  Although it didn't hurt, I could still feel each step of the procedure.  It was odd to know exactly what they were seeing and doing from the countless times I'd been on that side of the drape with the exception that this time it was inside my body.


Seeing my 8 pound 1 ounce Jordan for the first time was awesome.  My first thought was how much he looked like Owen as a newborn.  He was definitely a Newman boy.  Telling everyone his name now that we could see his face, seemed perfect.  Also, the smile on Jason's face and the fact that I couldn't peel my son out of his arms was priceless, too.

The next two days the boys, family, and friends were able meet our little Jordy.  And despite just having surgery I was actually feeling better than I ever expected.  I was up moving around within a day and was anxious to go by Mother's Day morning.  For some reason, this was much different that my previous C-section with Griffin.

At home, things have been pretty smooth as well.  It has helped that the two older boys have been spending A LOT of time at Grandma Rose's.  However, even when we are all together, Owen and Griffin have been sweet.  Owen is quick to ask for "Baby Jordy" and has surprised me by asking several times if he can hold his baby brother.  Griffin has been Griffin.  He probably could care less, but he does enjoying pointing out that Jordan has a nose and likes another excuse to stand on his step stool to look into the crib.  Imagining these three guys growing up together makes me smile.  It is going to be loud, hilarious, and never dull.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Last Day as a Mom of Two

Tomorrow is C-section day.  That means today is the last day I'll be the mom of just Owen and Griffin. The last day I'll be able to devote all my mommy time and energy to them.  It's bittersweet.

I had visions of this day.  Sleeping in.  Hot coffee and devo time before my sweet boys wake up.  Special breakfast of pancakes with sprinkles.  Cute little coordinated outfits.  A trip out to the Party Hut or the library.  Fun lunch.  Long, quiet nap time.  This followed by a long walk with a slight breeze and the warm sun shining.  Nice dinner out for my "last meal."  Bath time.  Then to wrap it up - two boys tucked in their beds falling fast asleep.

That's exactly what did NOT happen.

Actually, a few hours ago they were sitting on the kitchen floor banging their heads into the cabinets and laughing at each other.  And, honestly, laughing together was the best moment they'd had all day despite the fact that they may have been causing mild concussions or at the very least a crack in the cabinet door.

The rest of the day has been equally unromantic.

After finally falling back to sleep at 5:30AM, the boys were up at 6:00AM.  Thankfully, Jason got them to the table for breakfast; however, Griffin ended up with TootieFruities while everyone else had Cap'n Crunch.  And so began the endless screams and fits.

I locked myself in the bathroom to get ready knowing it would be my last good shower for a while, and I wasn't about to let it be interrupted by these two knuckleheads.  Trust me, it wasn't dangerous because the yelling, screaming, and crying reassured me that they were still breathing.  Bleeding?  Maybe, but at least still breathing.

By 9:00AM they had lost the privilege of all of their toys, and I somehow managed to carry out two toy boxes full of toys despite my basketball sized belly.

By 10:45AM I was ready for lunch.  I wasn't hungry, but I was definitely ready for the "quiet time" that follows lunch time.

Griffin quickly went to sleep, and Owen and I watched Free Willy 4: Escape from Pirate Cove for the twentieth time this month. (Yes, that is a real movie, and, no, I don't think it won any Oscars.  However, I do think it is better than AirBud: Spikes Back - another favorite.)  Fortunately, I caught a little cat nap knowing that Willy would be reunited with his family.  Unfortunately, Owen did not sleep a wink.  Then, as the movie credits rolled, I heard Griffin stirring in his room awake earlier than usual.

Now, I had 4 hours to kill before Jason would be home to rescue me.  I had no toys.  I had two tired, cranky boys.  And to top it off, it started to rain so no walk, no baseball, no running around outside.  I wished I'd go into labor because that actually sounded like more fun.

We survived the afternoon with somersaults, time-outs, tickle wars, forehead goose eggs from running into corners, door kicking, and ultimately G crashed out in the recliner.  Jason got Applebee's take out for us for dinner, and finally things calmed down.

While not the day I had planned, I really don't know what I expected.  And what will I expect after tomorrow when there will be three little boys running around.  I'm sure I will miss the moments watching bad movies with Owen and rocking G in the chair without needing to go check on a crying baby.  Still, I am SO EXCITED to meet Baby _____ tomorrow!

Friday, May 3, 2013

I Lost

My apologies in advance for the rush of posts about near-end pregnancy.  However, now that I'm not working and on "maternity leave" my mind doesn't have much else to dwell on, and it has a lot of time to spend dwelling.
Yesterday at this time, I was 99% sure that today I would be showing you pictures of my adorable newborn son, revealing his name (which I think we have decided), and going over the story of his arrival.  I woke up yesterday morning with "that feeling," we inadvertently ate Arby's for lunch (which is Jason's tradition on the nights of each of the other boys' birth), and I started having strong contractions every 3-6 minutes apart.  The butterflies started tickling my stomach.  I was nervous.  I was excited.  This was it!
That wasn't it.
The contractions spaced out and then lightened up to a hardly noticeable squeeze.  By this morning at 2AM when my sleeplessness hit, all sense of hope was gone.  Mindlessly scrolling through facebook comments about other people having their babies and cute newborn photos were all I could see.  It seemed that everyone else got to have their baby on May 2nd.  Then the tears came.
Disappointed.  Angry.  Frustrated.  Tired.  Inpatient.  Sad.  Jealous.  Embarrassed.  Uncomfortable.
I spent the next two hours silently (other than the clink of my spoon against the bowl during my 3:30AM cereal snack) arguing with God about who should decide when this baby will come - him or me.
My end of the debate started as I reminded Him that I had been praying.  I hadn't forgotten about Him.  I prayed for April 25th, then 29th, then 30th, then...  I had good reasons for those days, too.  First, I wanted to avoid my last family practice call, and FYI it did turn to be a bad one so I had all the more reason to be mad I had to endure that.  Next, I planned on days when I "knew" he would come because he was going to follow Owen's and Griffin's trend of coming at 37 weeks 6 days and 38 weeks 0 days.  It wouldn't be natural for the third kid to go any longer than that.  I also thought an April birthday would be better in our family because we already have one in May.  Then, I expectantly prayed that he would be here for Dr. Johnson left for vacation - today.
I then reminded God that the baby is full-term, his lungs are developed, and the longer he stays inside the bigger he gets and more likely to cause problems on the way out.  I am a doctor, after all.  I know.
Eventually, I just pleaded that the day didn't really matter so why couldn't He let me win this one and whatever reason he had for making me wait he could work out a little sooner.
With my Bible open, my reasoning soon sounded more and more ridiculous.  But I still was frustrated, ready to be done, tired, anxious, determined, and ready to hold my baby somewhere other than directly on my bladder.
God's answers started flooding in as I thumbed through some of my favorite books.  Verses I have read, circled, and underlined before seemed to be a clear voice speaking directly into this exact circumstance.
Genesis 2:7.  Deuteronomy 10:12.  Psalm 25:4-5 116:7 & 139:23.  Proverbs 16:2&9.  Jeremiah 29:11-13.  Micah 7:7.  Matthew 11:28.  Luke 6:46 & 12:25-26.  2 Corinthians 1:9.  Ephesians 5:16.  Philippians 2:13 & 4:6,8.  Colossians 1:17 & 3:2.  1 Thessalonians 5:18.  1 Timothy 1:16.  Hebrews 4:12,13,15 6:15 10:22 & 11:9.
It was abundantly clear that I had lost this debate long before it had started.  God is in control.  Not me.  He breathed life into this child.  Not me.  God has my interests at heart still in the grand scheme of His eternal will.  He is listening.  He will free me from anxiety, pressure, and worry and let me rest.  He knows my true motives.  He knows what it takes to be patient and tempted.  He will keep His promises and reward those who are faithful in facing the unknown.
While I don't lose many battles in this house, this one I wholly admit defeat.  And, I am so glad.  To turn over those weighty emotions of false control and let the future rest in some very capable hands means I should sleep well tonight.  Finally.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ways to NOT induce labor

Considering I've never made it this far into a pregnancy before, I'm getting pretty antsy to get things rolling.  Today, I'm even more anxious as I officially begin my 6 week maternity leave without a baby. 
The fact that I'm not in labor is not for a lack of trying.  After years of medical education I've been taught that all of those old wives' tales to induce labor are bogus.  Still, desperate times call for desperate measures.  Unfortunately, and obviously, science has once again won - here I am, still pregnant.
First, I tried planning (and just hoping).  Maybe that isn't an old wives' tale, but I figured if I scheduled it and made arrangements for a particular day then this baby would get the hint and decide to stick with the plan.  This may have been the most naive plan of them all, but it was still very disappointing when that day came and went.
Next, I dug into my medical training.  When someone comes in to the hospital with early contractions one of the first things we do is give the fluids to hydrate them.  Surely, then, if I was just a touch dehydrated it would push me over the edge, too.  However, instead of bringing on contractions, I just ended up eating more and constipated.  It did save me a few extra trips to the bathroom though.
Then, Jason and I met up for a pizza lunch date.  I didn't pass up the chance for "Hot Stuff" pizza.  This jalapeno packed slice didn't disappoint.  It burned all the way down, but it sure didn't start labor.  Thankfully, I've gotten away without much heartburn this pregnancy, and my stomach survived this insult as well.
 Of course, I've been taking walks.  Yesterday I took two, and today we went to the mall to walk and avoid the snow and 30-degree May temperatures.  Even though this hasn't started labor, it has made me feel better to just get out of the house.

Although Jason has often recommended squats, jumping-jacks, jogs, and jumping on a trampoline I haven't had the energy to put my bladder through that sort of activity.  Who knows, maybe I should give it a try if I'm still here tomorrow.

Of course there are the R-rated old wives' tales too...

I guess unless I admit myself to the hospital, break my own water, and start Pitocin I'm just going to have to wait.  Wait and wait.  He can't stay in there forever, and May 10th really isn't that far away anyway.  Instead, I should try to "enjoy" these last few pregnant moments with two boys.