Friday, May 17, 2013

Maternity Goals

With a third of my maternity leave already in the books, I'm looking forward to making the most of the rest.  Especially considering I'm finally starting to feel like I can enjoy it.  No more uncomfortable pregnant belly.  No longer feeling like I will go into labor at any moment.  And although not 100%, I'm feeling good enough to be up and about after the C-section.  I am even almost off all the pain meds except for the several hours yesterday after a cuddly 3 year old accidentally kicked me right in the incision as we snuggled with Baby Jordan.  Ouch!

Therefore, in order to not let these beautiful days slip away and then wonder where they went, I decided to set a few not-so-lofty goals.

Be Mom.  Obviously, the first, and most important goal, is to spend time as a mom loving on, enjoying, and bonding with my boys - all three of them.  Yes, Jordan will need the most attention and time, but I've realized how big and how precious Owen and Griffin are becoming.  Owen gets smarter every day, and Griffin's fun-loving personality makes me laugh every day.  Oh, how I love them all!!

Shower every day.  This may sound trivial, but I think it is the one that I'm actually going to have to make myself do at the end of the day.  When the day is spent in a T-shirt and basketball shorts (because that is all that fits on this awkward post-partum body) and I have a little reason to not leave the house very often, showering is not as essential as it once was.  Still a shower makes me feel more human and can be as refreshing as a good nap.  It also means that I will brush my teeth, put on deodorant, and wear clean clothes every day, too.

Get out of the house every day.  As my small group knows, I'm an introvert.  (Shout out to all the other introverts in my group!)  I could easily stay busy at home for the entire 6 weeks.  The house would be spotless, clutter would be gone or organized, you'd be tired of reading all of my blogs, and I'd be able to quote every episode of House Hunters.  However, I'd also be slightly crazy.  Although, I prefer to be a home body, I also need to get out, too.  Even just out for a long walk can make my day feel productive.  So, whether it is a walk down the block, or out for a doctor's appointment I need to let the sun see my pale skin once in a while.

Devo every day.  I think this is the last of the "every day" goals.  It's ironic that I'm the best disciplined at my devotional time when my schedule is the most full.  I get up early before the day gets going and before the boys can bother me, and we have some good quality time.  But, when I have little planned, I tend to push that time off until "later" meaning "whoops, I forgot" as I watch t.v. on the couch and fall asleep at midnight.

Sort and organize the boys' clothes.  Here's the practical, task-oriented part of my personality coming out.  There are totes and bags and boxes of boys' clothes in my basement that are semi-organized.  I haven't broken down and bought Griffin new shorts for the summer yet because I'm sure there are some hand-me-downs somewhere that I just haven't found yet.  For now the poor guy is running around in tight little shorts that, although are adorable, I'm sure are a little restricting.

Apply for my Nebraska medical license.  Check.  This was going to be a goal, but I got the application done, requested all my transcripts, and was fingerprinted at the state patrol the first week in May as I waited for Jordan to come.  After $403, I got the official license in the mail yesterday.  I'm now officially licensed to practice medicine in the state of Nebraska!  (To be clear, but probably just more confusing, it isn't that I've been practicing without a license until now, my previous license was just a temporary educational permit for residency.)

Watch an entire season of Storm Chasers in one day.  Okay, so I've already met this goal, too.  Who can blame me?  It's addicting.

That should do it.  I don't want to get too ambitious.  After all, I do have a super-cute newborn to stare at - I mean take care of.  I'll let you know how I do before I go back to work on June 17th.

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