Thursday, May 9, 2013

Last Day as a Mom of Two

Tomorrow is C-section day.  That means today is the last day I'll be the mom of just Owen and Griffin. The last day I'll be able to devote all my mommy time and energy to them.  It's bittersweet.

I had visions of this day.  Sleeping in.  Hot coffee and devo time before my sweet boys wake up.  Special breakfast of pancakes with sprinkles.  Cute little coordinated outfits.  A trip out to the Party Hut or the library.  Fun lunch.  Long, quiet nap time.  This followed by a long walk with a slight breeze and the warm sun shining.  Nice dinner out for my "last meal."  Bath time.  Then to wrap it up - two boys tucked in their beds falling fast asleep.

That's exactly what did NOT happen.

Actually, a few hours ago they were sitting on the kitchen floor banging their heads into the cabinets and laughing at each other.  And, honestly, laughing together was the best moment they'd had all day despite the fact that they may have been causing mild concussions or at the very least a crack in the cabinet door.

The rest of the day has been equally unromantic.

After finally falling back to sleep at 5:30AM, the boys were up at 6:00AM.  Thankfully, Jason got them to the table for breakfast; however, Griffin ended up with TootieFruities while everyone else had Cap'n Crunch.  And so began the endless screams and fits.

I locked myself in the bathroom to get ready knowing it would be my last good shower for a while, and I wasn't about to let it be interrupted by these two knuckleheads.  Trust me, it wasn't dangerous because the yelling, screaming, and crying reassured me that they were still breathing.  Bleeding?  Maybe, but at least still breathing.

By 9:00AM they had lost the privilege of all of their toys, and I somehow managed to carry out two toy boxes full of toys despite my basketball sized belly.

By 10:45AM I was ready for lunch.  I wasn't hungry, but I was definitely ready for the "quiet time" that follows lunch time.

Griffin quickly went to sleep, and Owen and I watched Free Willy 4: Escape from Pirate Cove for the twentieth time this month. (Yes, that is a real movie, and, no, I don't think it won any Oscars.  However, I do think it is better than AirBud: Spikes Back - another favorite.)  Fortunately, I caught a little cat nap knowing that Willy would be reunited with his family.  Unfortunately, Owen did not sleep a wink.  Then, as the movie credits rolled, I heard Griffin stirring in his room awake earlier than usual.

Now, I had 4 hours to kill before Jason would be home to rescue me.  I had no toys.  I had two tired, cranky boys.  And to top it off, it started to rain so no walk, no baseball, no running around outside.  I wished I'd go into labor because that actually sounded like more fun.

We survived the afternoon with somersaults, time-outs, tickle wars, forehead goose eggs from running into corners, door kicking, and ultimately G crashed out in the recliner.  Jason got Applebee's take out for us for dinner, and finally things calmed down.

While not the day I had planned, I really don't know what I expected.  And what will I expect after tomorrow when there will be three little boys running around.  I'm sure I will miss the moments watching bad movies with Owen and rocking G in the chair without needing to go check on a crying baby.  Still, I am SO EXCITED to meet Baby _____ tomorrow!


  1. Third one seemed to calm the storm in the Schilling home. I hope that is the case for you and Jason too! Take deep breaths, give the two older boys extra loves, and bring on the new baby squishies! Can't wait to hear the news! :o) Prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy baby and Mommy!

    1. It's good to hear something other than horror stories. :)

  2. Just realized I should really change my blogger name to Schilling FIVE now.. Whoo! Time sure goes by quickly! :o)

  3. I was really hoping to be there tomorrow, but my schedule got changed. Good luck, you'll be amazing. Can't wait to hear the name! Beth Deida

    1. Bummer! I was hoping you'd be there too.
