Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ways to NOT induce labor

Considering I've never made it this far into a pregnancy before, I'm getting pretty antsy to get things rolling.  Today, I'm even more anxious as I officially begin my 6 week maternity leave without a baby. 
The fact that I'm not in labor is not for a lack of trying.  After years of medical education I've been taught that all of those old wives' tales to induce labor are bogus.  Still, desperate times call for desperate measures.  Unfortunately, and obviously, science has once again won - here I am, still pregnant.
First, I tried planning (and just hoping).  Maybe that isn't an old wives' tale, but I figured if I scheduled it and made arrangements for a particular day then this baby would get the hint and decide to stick with the plan.  This may have been the most naive plan of them all, but it was still very disappointing when that day came and went.
Next, I dug into my medical training.  When someone comes in to the hospital with early contractions one of the first things we do is give the fluids to hydrate them.  Surely, then, if I was just a touch dehydrated it would push me over the edge, too.  However, instead of bringing on contractions, I just ended up eating more and constipated.  It did save me a few extra trips to the bathroom though.
Then, Jason and I met up for a pizza lunch date.  I didn't pass up the chance for "Hot Stuff" pizza.  This jalapeno packed slice didn't disappoint.  It burned all the way down, but it sure didn't start labor.  Thankfully, I've gotten away without much heartburn this pregnancy, and my stomach survived this insult as well.
 Of course, I've been taking walks.  Yesterday I took two, and today we went to the mall to walk and avoid the snow and 30-degree May temperatures.  Even though this hasn't started labor, it has made me feel better to just get out of the house.

Although Jason has often recommended squats, jumping-jacks, jogs, and jumping on a trampoline I haven't had the energy to put my bladder through that sort of activity.  Who knows, maybe I should give it a try if I'm still here tomorrow.

Of course there are the R-rated old wives' tales too...

I guess unless I admit myself to the hospital, break my own water, and start Pitocin I'm just going to have to wait.  Wait and wait.  He can't stay in there forever, and May 10th really isn't that far away anyway.  Instead, I should try to "enjoy" these last few pregnant moments with two boys.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Will was 5 days overdue and they were the LONGEST five days ever! Good luck with everything! I'm excited for you the join the 3 boys clan. :)
