Friday, September 13, 2013

MOM.D. Lesson #5

I've learned that I can do it!

The sunrise this morning in case you missed it.  Beautiful!
I take it as a little congratulations gift from God.
Well.  Today is the day.  It's over.  I have my certificate in hand.  I am no longer, for the first time in 24 years, technically a student.  The University of Nebraska has sucked its last dime out of me (although I'm sure I'll be hearing from the alumni association soon, and Jason is already making plans to cut them a check for football season tickets).

It's surreal.  It hasn't really set in yet.  I've been a doctor for three years now, but something about today makes it feel different.  Official.  Susan M. Newman, M.D.  It's been on paper for years now, and it's been on the sign at Grand Island Clinic where I'll be working for a few weeks now.  But, today, I own it.  It's a good day.

Owen, out of the blue this morning at breakfast, asked, "Are you happy, Mom?"

Yes, Owen, I'm really happy!

(In case you didn't believe it.  Here it is.)

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